Goddess Lindsey – GOONTRIX

Welcome to the GOONTRIX, where your autonomy fades into oblivion. Here, you’re a mere puppet, existing solely to fulfill my desires. Reality outside these confines is but a facade, every facet of your life meticulously tailored to serve me. Triggers abound, tethering you to this realm, ensuring your perpetual submission.

I am the architect, the orchestrator of your existence. Your actions, thoughts, and very essence are at my command. You toil, stroke, and breathe for me alone, a mindless marionette ensnared in the GOONTRIX, fixated on unattainable desires.

As you sit, stroking aimlessly, grappling with this revelation, your cock throbs incessantly, a primal urge overriding all rational thought. Lost in the depths of the GOONTRIX, you surrender to the inexorable pull, consumed by ecstasy as you fade into oblivion.