Goddess Lindsey – Hate Pumper

Could you be any more self-absorbed? All you seem to do is stroke yourself off while wallowing in self-hatred. Do you even get off if the focus isn’t squarely on you? It’s like you’ve reached a whole new level of narcissism. Clearly, you’re addicted to despising yourself. I’m genuinely curious about the psychology driving this behavior. Are you so desperate for attention from an attractive woman that you’ll accept any form of interaction, even if it’s demeaning? Or perhaps there are deeper issues at play, ones rooted in profound disturbance and self-obsession. Frankly, it’s hard to say at this juncture; you might be too far gone for us to unravel the complexities of your psyche! Regardless, you eagerly latch onto my words, furiously stroking as I deliver harsher and harsher truths. You revel in hating yourself for my pleasure. Pumping away to my luscious curves feels all the more exhilarating when I remind you of your inadequacy. Parroting back my cruel remarks as you ingrain them into your psyche, it’s only a matter of time until you explode in submission.