Goddess Lindsey – Not A Want, A Need

This has transcended mere choice; it’s become a compulsion, an irresistible urge driving you to make financial decisions that plunge you deeper into debt. You’re acutely aware of the folly of your actions, yet you find yourself unable to resist the urge to pay.

It’s no longer a matter of wanting to pay me; it’s a visceral need that gnaws at your insides, a craving you can’t shake. This feeling has embedded itself within you, becoming an inseparable part of your being, a lifelong companion.

With only a scant amount of money remaining, you recklessly squander it all in a futile attempt to satisfy this insatiable need to pay me. Soon, you’ll find yourself scrounging for spare change, desperately hoping to afford me a simple cup of coffee.

Whether the sends are substantial or meager, you give me everything you have, steadily depleting what little remains, not out of desire, but out of an inexorable need.