Goddess Lindsey – Pussy Free Back Taxes

Exclusively for all pussy-free bitches, this clip is a must-buy using the MarkUp code BackTaxes.

Merely swearing off pussy isn’t sufficient for you, is it? As if the prospect of ever experiencing it was within the realm of possibility to begin with! Your level of pathetic has reached new depths. You’ve embraced a state of pussy denial so absolute that you’re not even permitted to entertain thoughts of it—a pledge you made long ago, yet one you continually struggle to uphold.

For every utterance of the word “pussy,” you owe me $25. Consider this a humble attempt to atone for all those forbidden glimpses of pussy that have infiltrated your mind over the years.

But beware, this game doesn’t conclude with the end of the clip. Should your feeble gooner brain dare to entertain thoughts of pussy again, you’ll owe me $100 each time. And let’s not even broach the topic of if you happen to “accidentally” catch sight of it…