Goddess Lindsey – Take A Bite

Lean in closer, press your face as near as possible to my exquisite ass. Go ahead, attempt to take a bite, only to be confronted with the harsh reality of your existence. You’re nothing but a solitary figure, confined to the solitude of your own home, engaging in solitary self-pleasure. The fantasy of sinking your teeth into my luscious ass will forever remain beyond your grasp. Allow the crushing weight of this truth to wash over you, driving home just how far removed you are from your desires.

My ass reigns supreme in your world, commanding your unwavering devotion and adoration. Yet, you’ll never attain the level of worship your mind craves. In the grand scheme of things, you’re insignificant in the eyes of my divine posterior. You’ve always been and will always be a mere speck in comparison. So, go ahead, attempt to satiate your hunger. Let’s see how that pans out for you.