Goddess Lindsey – It's Not Hard

Literally speaking, your inadequate member shouldn’t dare to rise without a worthy struggle. Erection privileges are reserved for men of stature, not for the likes of you. Embracing your loser status, caging your pitiful phallus is the only logical recourse. It’s ingrained in your essence, an undeniable truth.

I’ll guide you as you secure your manhood in that cage, a tangible symbol of your submission. Revel in being called a “good boy,” relishing the mix of pleasure and relief flooding your senses. Embrace your reality; you’re no longer living in a fantasy. Each day, the reminder of your inadequacy, that cage between your legs, will reinforce your place in this world.

As you navigate your daily interactions, you’ll ponder who else shares your pitiable plight. Rest assured, you’re not alone in your office. Countless others silently conceal their emasculated state.