Goddess Lindsey – Pussy Free Valentine's Day

Each Valentine’s Day blends seamlessly into the next, a monotonous cycle that you’ve grown all too familiar with. There’s no need to feign denial; it’s just another mundane day for a denied beta such as yourself. Your sole focus remains on rushing home to your hand, succumbing to the familiar ritual of gooning your life away.

Somewhere deep down, a glimmer of hope lingered that perhaps this Valentine’s Day would deviate from the norm. But as the day unfolds, that hope dissipates into the cold reality that stares you in the face. Here you are, yet again, in the same solitary state. Perhaps this year will serve as a wake-up call, a stark realization of the depths of your own pathetic existence—a lonely, pussy-free loser on Valentine’s Day.

Today holds no significance for you, nor should it ever. Love eludes you, desire remains distant. All you have is the companionship of your hand, a stark reminder of the romance you’ll forever be deprived of.