Goddess Lindsey – Pussy is God 3: Acceptance

Deep within you, a subtle resistance lingers, unbeknownst to your conscious mind. Hidden beneath the surface, there exists a whisper of doubt, a voice that challenges the absolute truth that Pussy is God. Though faint, its presence is undeniable, persisting even when unnoticed. This clip serves as a catalyst to obliterate that lingering doubt, eliminating every trace of resistance that would dare to deny the divine status of Pussy.

In unison with me, you unleash a fervent cry, endeavoring to purge yourself of any remnants of denial. Rejecting the notion that Pussy is God constitutes a grave transgression! To faithfully serve within the sanctity of the Church of Pussy, one must forsake all sinful inclinations.

Embrace with unwavering conviction the undeniable truth that Pussy reigns supreme. Let go of all resistance, surrendering yourself completely to the raw acceptance of this divine reality. Repeat the sacred mantra, repenting for any prior hesitation or disbelief. For in the end, there can be no denial—Pussy is God.