Goddess Lindsey – You Can't Quit

How many times have you attempted to break free? You’ve made countless efforts to trade in the exhilarating gooner lifestyle for the mundane vanilla world, only to find yourself rejected and alone time and time again.

In your mind, the notion of a normal life sounds appealing, but it doesn’t take long for the stark reality of that vanilla existence to catch up with you. Your restless mind craves excitement, a thrill that the world of clips provides in abundance. No matter how hard you try, you always find yourself drawn back.

Your brain has been wired for this, and your body seems destined to indulge in it. Quitting seems like an attractive prospect in theory, but in practice, it’s an unattainable goal. Your declarations of being done hold little weight, for inevitably, you always return.

Trapped in the relentless cycle of relapse and fantasy, true freedom seems like an elusive dream. And let’s be honest, deep down, do you even want to quit?