Goddess Lindsey – Year of the Virgin

Another year has passed, yet here you are, unchanged. You’ve long stopped attempting to alter your circumstances; you’ve resigned yourself to the reality of perpetual virginity. This pledge is nothing new to a pathetic loser like you. The only thing you’ll ever have the pleasure of fucking is your own hand, and you’ve accepted that fate wholeheartedly.

Embracing this reality has been pivotal in finding contentment in life. No longer chasing after unattainable goals, you’ve discovered a sense of peace. And now, it’s time to once again fall to your knees and renew your virginity pledge. Another 365 days of celibate devotion to Goddess Lindsey lie ahead.

This has become a cherished ritual for you, the highlight of your year. Each time you reaffirm your pledge with me, you feel a deeper connection. It’s the closest thing to an anniversary you’ll ever experience, a moment of intimacy and devotion shared with your Goddess.