Goddess Lindsey – What Sex Life?

It seems you’re due for a little reality check regarding your sex life, or lack thereof. It’s rather difficult to overlook the complete absence of intimacy and sexual encounters in your life, yet here you are, lost in the fantasy of your own inadequacy. Perhaps it’s not so much a reminder as it is a reaffirmation of your pitiful existence, one that you seem all too eager to embrace.

Let’s face it, your sex life consists solely of your own hand. It’s the closest thing to human contact you’ll ever experience. Women can see it written all over you, how utterly unfuckable you are. And with each passing day of virginity, the situation only worsens. You’re left to fuck your hand and your hand alone.

But fear not, for in your perpetual state of loneliness, I offer you solace. With me, you’ll find comfort in the absence of physical intimacy, as I transform your isolation into a delightful game of worship and submission. Embrace your status as a happy virgin, for with me, your hand will never be your only companion.