Goddess Lindsey – A Virgin's Relapse

Remaining a virgin only cements your position in this endless cycle of relapse. With nothing to look forward to, no distractions to divert your attention, relapse becomes an inevitable outcome. And believe me when I say, this is exactly where you belong. On your knees, worshipping a Goddess you’ll never have the privilege of touching. I understand you make valiant efforts to resist the urge to stroke. You aspire to better yourself, to work on your life. But the moment the thought of indulging in that forbidden pleasure crosses your mind, it’s as if you’re sinking into quicksand. Relapse becomes an unavoidable reality, each instance more intense than the last. How many times must you endure this vicious cycle before you finally grasp the truth? As a virgin, this is your reality. This is where you belong, forever trapped in the allure of worshipping from afar.